• Sports physical therapy rehabilitation – 

When we refer to any knee joint injury such as Meniscus Strain and Meniscus Tear there is a high prevalance that is linked to Intense sports activity especially in sports like football, volleyball, skiing amongst others and most of them are due to unsuitable technical skills or since the physical activities are executed in improper environments. They can also be produced right after contact such as tackles and blows fortuitously. This means that contact sports and trauma scenarios are highly prone to trigger Meniscus injuries and other joint knee injuries. 

Meniscus strains and tears are common knee joint injuries that are often associated with intense sports activities, such as football, volleyball, and skiing, among others. These injuries can occur due to improper technique or execution of physical activities in inappropriate environments. In contact sports, meniscus injuries can occur due to direct contact, such as tackles and blows, and they can also result from fortuitous accidents. 

The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of cartilage in the knee joint that acts as a shock absorber and helps to distribute weight and reduce friction between the bones. Meniscus injuries can occur when the knee joint is twisted or bent unnaturally, or when the knee is subjected to sudden impact or pressure. Symptoms of a meniscus injury can include pain, swelling, stiffness, and difficulty moving the knee. 

Treatment for meniscus injuries can range from rest and physical therapy to surgical intervention, depending on the severity of the injury. In some cases, meniscus injuries may require a period of rehabilitation before the patient can return to sports activities. To reduce the risk of meniscus injuries and other knee joint injuries, it’s important for athletes to use proper technique and protective gear, and to train in safe and appropriate environments.  

If you suspect that you or someone you know is suffering from a meniscus tear, knee pain, or any other type of lower limb injury, it is important to seek the advice of a professional healthcare provider. My Sports Injury & Physiotherapy is a clinic located in Manchester, UK that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries, including knee injuries. 

The healthcare professionals at My Sports Injury & Physiotherapy are experienced and registered practitioners who are trained to provide personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual needs of each patient. They use a variety of techniques, including physiotherapy, sports massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, and acupuncture, to help patients recover from their injuries and achieve optimal health and performance. 

At My Sports Injury Manchester, the initial stage of treatment for a patient is the physiotherapy assessment. During this assessment, the healthcare provider will try to obtain all the essential and relevant data about the patient’s injury, including the ways in which it occurred. This is done through anamnesis, which is the process of collecting information about the patient’s medical history and current symptoms, as well as a comprehensive physical examination. 

The physical examination may include a range of tests and assessments to evaluate the patient’s range of motion, strength, flexibility, and other factors that may be contributing to the injury. This information is used to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to the individual needs of each patient. 

By obtaining a thorough understanding of the patient’s injury and overall health, the healthcare provider at My Sports Injury Manchester can provide a more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan. This can help to reduce pain, promote healing, and restore function and mobility as quickly as possible.  

It has been reported the incidence of knee injuries accounted for 19.530 sporting event injuries out of 17.397 subjects during a 10 years’ time frame follow-up where 38, 8% of these injuries were related to lesions in the knee joint. Male athletes scored a higher rate than female athletes with 68, 1% over 31,6%. The average age where this type of knee joint injury was observed more frequently was between 20 and 29 yo nearly 50% of the patients had the appointed age.  

According to a study by Martin Majewski et la published in Research Gate, the knee is a biomechanical zone that is described as an area of ​​utmost care due to its anatomical complexity. 

This study highlights the importance of understanding the complex structures and functions of the knee joint to properly diagnose and treat knee injuries. 

The knee joint is a hinge joint that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia) and is supported by several ligaments, muscles, and tendons. The complexity of the knee joint means that knee injuries can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Proper diagnosis and treatment require a thorough understanding of the knee’s biomechanics, as well as knowledge of the various factors that can contribute to knee injuries. 

First, we must know what the meniscus anatomy structure and its mechanism   

What is the meniscus for?  

Under MY sports Injury & Physiotherapy Manchester physiotherapist specialists can effectively stress test this structure. A meniscus tear is a pretty common knee injury. The meniscus is a rubbery, C-shaped disc that cushions the impact of steps on the knee. Each knee has two menisci: one on the outer edge of the knee and one on the inner edge. 

What sports have the most meniscus tears cases? The meniscal tear is well-known for producing instability in the knee which can intervene and impair the regular performance of the elite athletes making them be out of any sporting event until returning to their preceding proficiency. Statistically, the most affected sports by this condition are Football reaching up (35%), Skiing accounts for (26%), and other sports such as Wrestling, Basketball, Tennis, and Baseball. No evidence was found for the average prevalence of TM in these sports. 

So How do Meniscus Tears Actually happen?  

Meniscus tears can occur in different ways, but a common cause of this injury is when the foot is firmly planted on the ground and the knee is suddenly twisted. This can happen due to a sudden change in direction or pivoting motion, and it can also occur from external forces such as tackles or collisions in contact sports.  

However, meniscus tears can also develop gradually over time due to age-related changes in the knee joint. As we age, the meniscus can lose elasticity and become more prone to tears. Degenerative knee changes such as osteoarthritis can also contribute to meniscal tears with little or no trauma.  

Cedars-Sinai stated that this condition can also develop itself gradually over the years due to loss of elasticity in the menisci i.e., in elderly adults, degenerative knee changes can induce to meniscal tear with just a minor or nor no trauma. 

Regardless of the knee symptoms, meniscus injuries are habitual amongst elderly people and middle-aged subjects, these injuries are frequently associated with knee osteoarthritis. The stats of people who have presented torn meniscus without a previous traumatic event can reach up to 31 % according to the research study made by Wolf Petersen et la 2015. However, you have to be very clear that an injury of this type can be suffered at any age, although young athletes are quite prone to sustain them.  

What does a torn Meniscus feel like?  

A torn meniscus has the following characteristics, and it feels as if your injured knee is losing range of motion due to a blockage that does not allow you to extend your leg to its full capacity. In addition, MayoClinic points out that you can also get to present stiffness, inflammation, and soreness. Another sensation that can be related to a meniscal tear is that the injured leg begins to give way. 

How Meniscus Tear is treated?  

My Sports Injury Clinic is a physiotherapy Manchester rehabilitation Centre where the sports Injury & physiotherapy clinicians will guide you through the best possible treatment options for your torn meniscus and the correct rehabilitation pathway to recovery thereafter.

How your doctor/ physio Manchester treats your meniscus tear depends on several factors, including the type of tear, its location, and its severity. Your age and activity level may also influence treatment options. Treatment could include: 

  • Rest, ice, wrap the knee with an elastic bandage and keep the leg elevated on pillows. 
  • Pain killers to cease the pain.  
  • Physiotherapy/ Sports therapy / Rehabilitation Corrective Exercises in Manchester.  
  • Exercises scheme. 
  • Corticosteroid injections.  
  • Surgery to repair the meniscus. 
  • Surgery to remove part of the meniscus. 

Meniscus Tear how long to heal?  

The recovery time will vary as it depends on the grade of the lesion, age, lifestyle, and if it is treated conservatively or through surgery. Therefore, whether you will be put through a conservative approach like sports physiotherapy Manchester it could take from 42 to 56 days (about 2 months) to heal properly without needing a surgical procedure. Most of the cases give exceptional results implementing physical therapy management as the first line of treatment i.e. it is extremely effective. On the other hand, a research study by the University of Michigan says the recovery process after surgery could take longer and could even take 3 to 6 months to be completely recovered. 

How Meniscus Tear is diagnosed?  

The Doctors of Physical Therapy’s article indicates that some hands-on tests that may be required to determine and diagnose the tear even though a single clinical maneuver run by physio Manchester cannot make the diagnosis but a set of them may foretell a torn meniscus. Some of the techniques carried out by sports physiotherapists Manchester to pinpoint this condition are Positive McMurray’s test, Pain with flexion and extension overpressure, and history of the joint locking.  

The odds that you must need an imaging study to bear out the Meniscus tear are high; it is likely to make use of an MRI study which is the most precise means to confirm it.  

It has been revealed that 36% of individuals have a tear without actually presenting any symptom of pain in the knee area.  

Surgery As a last resort if conservative Intervention Fails?  

Meniscus tear surgery may be needed when you are suffering from grade 3 and grade 4 and after being treated unsuccessfully with non-surgical management, how do I know if the conservative treatment is not working? Well, if the manifestation of the symptoms continues after 8 weeks of having started off the physical therapy, your physicians would recommend undergoing surgery to repair the tear. These procedures are called meniscus repair, meniscectomy, and meniscus replacement. Those surgical processes are notably efficient notwithstanding the fact that they could result in osteoarthritis in the long term.  Arthroscopic meniscectomy surgery | Surgery management to Meniscus tear | My Sports Injury Clinic Manchester City

How often does a Torn Meniscus require Physical Therapy after the surgical process?  

Every time that any patient has been undergone a non-conservative treatment the process of getting better has to be accompanied by sports therapy Manchester/ Physical Therapy. This measure is highly essential since it would provide the knee the strength and mobility necessary to regain the lost quality of life, so and early sports therapy rehabilitation is imperative after surgery to progress as good as possible and return to the sports practise, informed by Matthias Koch et la (2020). 

But We Question? Can a Meniscus tear heal on its own?  

Sometimes, some individuals may reckon that their torn meniscus injury will heal on its own, unfortunately, not all injuries of this nature can heal on their own, and so a treatment plan is strictly indispensable. PennMedicine reports that if your tear is situated on the meniscus’ external one-third,  there are chances that it may heal by itself due to that zone possesses rich blood cells and blood supply which can help to regenerate the damaged tissue.  

What happens if a meniscus tear is left untreated? Bad things can happen; complications can take place if you do not treat a torn meniscus, a portion of your meniscus might lose and slide into the joint space, and the worst scenario is that you probably will need a replacement surgery to restore knee functionality. An unsolved tear may also drive arthritis.  

Can you strain your meniscus?  

Indeed you can strain the meniscus since it has the same mechanism of action to get injured as the tear, only that in the case of strain it is less severe and the recovery could be faster. 

How long does a meniscus strain take to heal? MercyHealth highlights that usually a mild meniscus strain can be healed within a period from 14 days to 21 days and one of the prime symptoms is discomfort and pain in the outer knee. 

Why does the Meniscus tear heal poorly? Eventually, when this occurs it is because the blood supply to the meniscus is very limited, we must remember that blood is the main source through nutrients that reaches the structures of our body and this is what allows us to heal and recover from injuries, cited from OrthoVirginia. Hence, we can say that this is due to the absence of a good blood supply in the affected area. 

What exercises can’t I perform with a torn meniscus? 

 The exercises that our sports therapy Manchester practitioners advise that should not be performed are those related to twisting, pivoting, and deep squats, we must avoid them at all costs, since they will add extra pressure to the already unstable injured knee. Otherwise, if doing other types of physical activity makes your knee unsteady or causes any kind of pain or discomfort, stop immediately and do not do it again. 

Is it ok to massage a torn meniscus?  

Yes, Definately including a cluster of maneuvers over the surface tissue applying adequate pressure to hit the deep structures. It is implemented to boost the blood flow and also to reduce swelling, minimise muscle spasms, and encourage normal tissue repair. Book A Massage Now  

How do you rehab a torn meniscus without surgery?  

When your doctor gives the green light to begin sports therapy Manchester treatment, it is advisable to perform the following exercises to improve stability and strengthen your knee. 

  • Quadriceps setting. 
  • Mini-squats. 
  • Straight leg raise. 
  • Hamstring heel digs. 
  • Leg extensions. 
  • Standing heel raises. 
  • Clams. 
  • Hamstring curls. 

Published by Rafael Peña for 


  • Koch M, Memmel C, Zeman F, et al. Early Functional Rehabilitation after Meniscus Surgery: Are Currently Used Orthopedic Rehabilitation Standards Up to Date?. Rehabil Res Pract. 2020;2020:3989535. Published 2020 Mar 29. doi:10.1155/2020/3989535 
  • Kelln B. M., Ingersoll C. D., Saliba S., Miller M. D., Hertel J. Effect of early active range of motion rehabilitation on outcome measures after partial meniscectomy. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2009;17(6):607–616. doi: 10.1007/s00167-009-0723-2. 
  • Badlani J. T., Borrero C., Golla S., Harner C. D., Irrgang J. J. The effects of meniscus injury on the development of knee osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2013;41(6):1238–1244. doi: 10.1177/0363546513490276. 
  • Mordecai S. C., al-Hadithy N., Ware H. E., Gupte C. M. Treatment of meniscal tears: an evidence based approach. World Journal of Orthopedics. 2014;5(3):233–241. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v5.i3.233. 
  • Majewski, Martin & Susanne, Habelt & Klaus, Steinbrück. (2006). Epidemiology of athletic knee injuries: A 10-year study. The Knee. 13. 184-8. 10.1016/j.knee.2006.01.005. 
  • Cardone DA, et al. Meniscal injury of the knee. Accessed Oct. 8, 2019. 
  • Cardone DA, et al. Meniscal injury of the knee. Accessed Oct. 8, 2019. 
  • AskMayoExpert. Meniscal tear. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2019. 
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