ü Can you tell me more about Knee osteoarthritis?
The common clinical symptoms include getting pain over the knee joint gradually and worsening with activity, early morning stiffness, sweeling over the knee joint, pain following prolonged sitting or resting, crepitus/cracking sound with joint movement. The intensity of symptoms vary for individual and usually progress slowly.

ü What is the incidence of knee OA?
It is one of the most common disease worldwide. It mainly affect people over the age of 45.
· OA affects nearly 6% of all adults
· Nearly 13% women and 10% men 60 years and above have symptomatic knee osteoarthritis.
· Prevalence will continue to increase as life expectancy and obesity rises.(JW Michael et al 2010)
ü What are the causes of knee Osteoarthritis?
· Obesity
· Joint hypermobility
· Previous injury like fractures
· Immobilisation and loss of mobility
· Family history
· Congenital defects ( RM Siwiec et al 2019)
ü What will happen to my symptoms as time goes on?

ü How can a OA be diagnosed?
· X-ray: narrowing of joint space, bony spur
· Arthroscopy: to get a visual information about the damaged joint
· MRI: to get better image of cartilage and other structures to identify early abnormalities of the joint.

ü What can I do that will help me to live with osteoarthritis?
The very simple answer is Exercise, bracing and proper patient education or a surgery in the later stages.
Research shows that education can have significant effects on the function after knee OA.
· Regarding the condition
· Explaining pain
· Explaining long term management of OA
· Education regarding activity modification
· Role of weight loss
· Promote active, healthy lifestyle.
Exercise: (Rehabilitation options for the patients)
· Land-based exercises are ideal for most people and are strongly recommended. Aquatic exercise, stationary cycling, and walking are safe and effective activities that do not cause undue stress on the knee joint.
· Strength training: patients with knee OA commonly engage in strengthening their knee muscles, neglecting their hip muscles. But on assessment, its proven that patients are more prone to get hip muscle weakness and are more prone to increase the medial compartment loading on the knee joint. Research have proven that people with knee OA will benefit following hip strengthening.(Heddon et al 2021)

· Hydrotherapy: particularly helpful if pain is high and analgesia is not tolerated. It helps to build up strength and reduce stiffness around the knee joint in a non-weight bearing position .(LE Silvia et al 2008)
· Taping: to offload the joint similar to bracing
· Manual therapy: research have proven the effect of the mobilisation with movement, passive joint mobilisation and patellar joint mobilisation can effectively reduce knee pain and improve functionality.(G D Deyle et al 2005)
· Massage therapy: can be effective in reducing pain in some individuals
ü How is physiotherapy beneficial for knee Osteoarthritis?
Physical therapy can help to reduce pain, swelling, stiffness and can improve knee joint function. A combination of manual therapy and supervised exercises are proven to have functional benefits for patients with knee osteoarthritis. It can even help the patient to delay or prevent the need for the surgery. There is strong evidence to show short-term beneficial effects of exercise on pain and function. Delivery modes, including individual, group or home exercise are all effective, although therapist contact may improve benefits. Knee taping applied with the aim of realigning the patella and unloading soft tissues can reduce pain
ü What are the surgery options available for knee Osteoarthritis?
There are several surgery options for the treatment of knee OA
Ø Partial knee replacement, often called uni-compartmental knee replacement, involves replacing only one of the knee’s three “compartments”:
· The medial compartment refers to the inner knee (where a person’s knees touch when the legs are together).
· The lateral compartment refers to the outer knee.
· The patellofemoral compartment is at the front of the knee, where the patella (kneecap) meets the femur (thighbone).

Ø Knee osteotomy re-aligns the joint to shift more pressure onto the “good” side of the knee joint and reduce wear and tear on the bad side. The goal is to reduce pain and perhaps slow down the progression of knee osteoarthritis.
Ø Arthroscopic surgery requires only small incisions through which the surgeon inserts a very small video camera and surgical tools. During knee arthroscopy, a surgeon can make an assessment of joint degeneration due to arthritis.
Ø Cartilage repair and cartilage restoration.
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