The spine is the body’s main support structure and plays a part in our everyday life. We need the spine to be in a good working order, so we can walk, sit, bend, move and twist while we do our everyday activity. Our spine consists of three main parts: the cervical (neck), thoracic (chest) and lumbar (lower back). Nevertheless, throughout life it undergoes a series of changes due to our lifestyle and the type of work we carry out.
Another point worth noting is that it’s extremely essential to know what our back is like and how we should take care of it to prevent it from being injured. Having disorders or dysfunction in the spine can directly affect the rest of the body. Spinal disorders can cause problems in the blood circulation around the body, as well as loss of sensation, muscle spasm, and impairment in the nervous system. To prevent developing spinal related problems/disorders, it is important to look after your spine, especially the cervical & Lumbar spine.
On top of that, according to research studies which aim to provide informative, educative and comprehensive strategies through healthy back habits such as posture correction exercises, diaphragmatic exercises, and physical therapy exercises in Manchester striving to stave off future spinal issues. It was found that lower back pain emphatically at the stage of adolescence is regarded as the main culprit of back pain in grown-ups so it may definitely take its toll on adults triggering not only lower back pain but also mid back pain, which can be exacerbated until reaching the upper backbone, causing upper back pain as well, if it is not treated on time. (J J Hill et la 2015).
So, we can flatly affirm that spinal issues, is a relevant matter which must be addressed as soon as possible by physiotherapy experts in areas like manual therapy, sports massages therapy in Manchester, acupuncture therapy in Manchester, red light therapy, osteopathic massage, dry needling in Manchester, etc, not to allow it to migrate to the entire back or other parts of our body.
If your spine is in good alignment, your entire health will be good as well as improving your day-to-day function. Muscle strains are the root of many spinal disorders. It’s critical to keep the muscles surrounding the spine, particularly the cervical spine area, in good shape. The cervical spine is responsible for transmitting information input and output to and from the brain to the rest of the body. It aids in the support and mobility of the head.
When it comes to discuss how effective physical therapy approach on spinal issues is, it’s salient to enlighten and highlight that it has displayed ample effectiveness based on clinical trials and research literature studies, tackling back pain either chronic or non-chronic pain. (Nilay Şahin et la 2018).

The cervical spine is also involved in the transport of blood to the brain. Keeping your head up and in a raised position is a good practice to prevent damages to the cervical spine. If you look after your cervical spine well, the rest of your spine will also be in a good position.
Patients between the ages of 25 and 65 are frequently affected by cervical spine diseases. In terms of percentage this sort of medical condition can impact as much as 30 – 50% of worldwide population. (Joanna Kuć et la 2020).
Cervical spinal problems are very common amongst office and computer professionals. It’s caused by wear and tear on the bones and muscles, which results in disc displacement and degeneration in the neck. Neck and shoulder pain are common in people with cervical spine disorders.
Some people may get headaches that originate at the back of their neck. Some people may also have limb and finger discomfort or numbness. As previously stated, a bad cervical spine can have a negative impact on a person’s everyday life, thus it’s critical to take good care of it. (David J. Magee et la 2021).
Many of us associate going to a physiotherapist’s clinic when we sustain an injury or problem, whether be muscular or bone. Although, it is true that recovering from an injury is the main role of a professional physiotherapist, it is not the only one, because these professionals can also help us in the prevention of these sports injuries, in the treatment of various punctual or chronic pathologies, and in advisory tasks, for instance, recommending the physical exercises that best suit us to achieve optimal health, taking in mental health as well. (Christine Saunders et la 1988). Next, we are going to see the main reasons why you should go to a physiotherapist at least once a year and we will introduce you to our team of expert practitioners whom you can visit at our sports injury’s clinic in the heart of Manchester.
It does not have to be compelling reasons to visit a physiotherapist in Manchester, since any pain can be something more than that if it is not treated in time.
The number one reason is, how could it be otherwise, to recover from an injury, whether caused by an accident, playing sports, surgery or any other reason. The physiotherapist will help us recover the functionality, flexibility and strength of the damaged tissue, managing to return it to an optimal state, and reducing possible sequelae. (Archit Navandar et la 2021).
An injury can be caused by different factors, but after recovery, it is also necessary to change those factors that caused the injury, to rectify them and thus reduce the possibility of suffering new injuries in the future. The physiotherapist can tell us what is causing the injuries (e.g., incorrect posture, carrying too much weight, etc.), and give us some guidelines to modify or improve our routine, avoiding the appearance of future injuries. It is always best to prevent than to cure! (Edward A. Shipton 2018).
When you go to the physiotherapist’s office for clinical reasoning or pain in a certain part of the body, the physiotherapist will make a differential diagnosis, being able to specifically determine the causes of your problem, which are often not so obvious and can go unnoticed. For example, you may come in for elbow pain and discover that the problem is the position of your wrist when writing or typing. Knowing the specific causes of what causes discomfort or inconvenience is essential to correct it in time and prevent the situation from becoming chronic.
It should also be noted that today, the vast majority of the population self-medicates, taking painkillers for muscle and joint pain. These do not solve the problem, but rather mask it, and sometimes create a rebound effect, since, instead of being solved, it worsens, often becoming chronic if left untreated for a long time.

Going to a physical therapist at least once a year allows us to focus our attention on solving those aches and pains. In this way we act on the cause and try to correct it at the root, preventing its worsening. Remember that the physiotherapist is a specialist!
Specific training is especially beneficial for those who perform frequent sports activities, such as football, basketball, rugby, or martial arts training. They are directed by the physiotherapist with the aim of strengthening the areas most prone to injury due to wear or effort. There are exercises aimed at strengthening the knees, ankles, elbows, wrists, back muscles, lower body, etc. The help of the physiotherapist can be invaluable when planning specific training to strengthen our weakest points and avoid the appearance of injuries due to wear and tear or overexertion.
With age, our body naturally loses mobility in muscles and joints. Preventive physiotherapy treatments can considerably slow down these losses of agility, and improve them if they have already occurred. That is why they are a very beneficial tool for both older and younger people, who can stay healthy longer, fighting the deterioration caused by aging. (Emma Swärdh et la 2020) We must end the harmful myth that physical therapy is only for athletes!
Another fairly widespread myth is that you only go to the physiotherapist to get a massage. Although massages are also complementary tools to treat conditions or injuries, usually within a relaxing therapy context, there are many other secondary techniques that are practiced in a physical therapist’s office. For instance, dry needling in Manchester, electrotherapy, cupping therapy, stretching and various exercises, amongst many others. All these techniques are intended to offer an answer and solution to our aches and pains. And all of them are scientifically backed, in a similar way to a usual pharmacological treatment.
With regard to the techniques and treatments used by physiotherapists, there is a widespread belief that they must hurt to be effective. Nothing is further from reality! Although it is true that treating an injury involves some discomfort (since working on a damaged area), the techniques are adapted to the patient and the pathology, without causing extra pain or suffering. Let us remember that the objective of physiotherapy is to prevent and cure the injuries or ailments that we may have, not to make them worse. If this was what worried you when you went to a consultation, you can be sure this will not happen.

It would be optimal to visit a physical therapist’s office every six months, or once a year, depending on your clinical history, your physical activity and your general health. At My Sports Injury Clinic, we have a great medical team of physiotherapists and medical professional
Traditional Chinese Medicine can treat cervical cancer in a variety of methods.

Acupuncture and Tui Na are two of them (a traditional Chinese medical massage). Acupuncture has been shown to be particularly successful in the treatment of cervical spine diseases in studies.
By placing small needles into certain acu-points to stimulate qi and improve blood circulation around the body, acupuncture can help treat cervical spine diseases. Acupuncture can assist to clear the mind, increase blood flow to the brain, promote nerve function, and alleviate pain. (Robert B Kelly et la 2019).
Tui Na, on the other hand, can assist patients in relaxing their bodies and minds while receiving a massage. The massage therapist will strive to relax the soft tissue near the neck and shoulder area at the start of the massage. They will then work slowly into the deep tissue areas, with the goal of promoting healing and improve blood circulation around the body, which can also help diminish dysmenorrhea symptoms in women according to studies (Aisong Guo et la 2008).
The deficiency of qi and poor blood circulation in the body, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, causes discomfort. It is necessary for qi and blood to circulate freely throughout the body in order to be healthy. Pain will result if any of these are blocked. Tui Na and acupuncture can assist to relieve discomfort.
Cervical spine problems are linked to this. It also aids in the circulation of qi and blood throughout the body, ensuring that it reaches the areas where it is most required.
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Şahin N, Karahan AY, Albayrak İ. Effectiveness of physical therapy and exercise on pain and functional status in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized-controlled trial. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Aug 9;64(1):52-58. doi: 10.5606/tftrd.2018.1238. PMID: 31453489; PMCID: PMC6709610.
Kuć Joanna, Żendzian-Piotrowska Małgorzata. A Pilot Study Evaluating the Prevalence of Cervical Spine Dysfunction Among Students of Dentistry at the Medical University. Frontiers in Neurology,11, 2020. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2020.00200 DOI=10.3389/fneur.2020.00200
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Shipton EA. Physical Therapy Approaches in the Treatment of Low Back Pain. Pain Ther. 2018 Dec;7(2):127-137. doi: 10.1007/s40122-018-0105-x. Epub 2018 Sep 18. PMID: 30229473; PMCID: PMC6251828.
Jiménez-Rubio S, Estévez Rodríguez JL, Navandar A. Validity of a Rehab and Reconditioning Program Following an Adductor Longus Injury in Professional Soccer. J Sport Rehabil. 2021 Apr 9;30(8):1224-1229. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2020-0360. PMID: 33837168.
Kelly RB, Willis J. Acupuncture for Pain. Am Fam Physician. 2019 Jul 15;100(2):89-96. PMID: 31305037.
Guo A, Meng Q. Acupuncture combined with spinal tui na for treatment of primary dysmenorrhea in 30 cases. J Tradit Chin Med. 2008 Mar;28(1):7-9. doi: 10.1016/s0254-6272(08)60003-5. PMID: 18416074.